Wednesday 14 March 2012

Week 3

Grasshopper Tutorials Related To Chosen Theme
I am fascinated by the architectural natural beauty of the honey comb and therefore have chosen it as my inspiration.These following two tutorials will enable me to get the concept of my model.

Hexagonal Surface On Objects- Creates the facade structure of the honey comb

List Faceted Structure- Creates the grids of the combs on a curved surface

Voronoi - Creates a 3d Voronoi which can be used as it's own system or as a facade pattern

Inspirational Findings

Honey Comb Idea with Flow
The first picture is a perfect example to how I want my model to be like. Breaking through the boundaries of a box, cone or cylindrical shape, it curves around to form an interesting parametric/algorithmic facade.

The second picture is just of interest, and experiment with one of the tutorials that Jeremy showed us about linking an image to the flowgraphs resulting in little cylinders making up that picture. This picture just happens to seem like that but with the hexagonal effect I want

Ideas gained from Pictures
Ideas gained from these pictures and the following architectural pictures give me the inspiration for a flowing facade with hexagonal shapes cut through them.

Some iterations I might make them like a helix, or just curved facade, but I'll start off by making something similar to that Voronoi tutorial. Material wise, I would be making it a sort of see through thick solid glass material.

Image Referencing -

First Picture

2nd Picture -
Architectural Influences

Las Palmas Water Theatre
This building Las Palmas Water Theatre Influences me by it's concept of flow and with the unique hexagonal shapes on it's facade. This study influences me to create a flowing main structural body with the hexagons inside.

is one of the bigger influences of my work as it is basically a realistic model of what I want to build. The architect broke the structural box concept that many architects have by making a facade of curved glass - a feat that should not be overlooked.

Droplet Architecture

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