Wednesday 20 June 2012

Assignment 3 Final Poster + Model

Assignment 3 Grasshopper File

This grasshopper files create shapes which are then lofted, then created into levels and floors. They are then rotated to create a tower, with splines to act as their structural entities. Facade are created as well to help hold together the building structure.

Wednesday 11 April 2012

Tier 1 & 2 Submissions

Tier 1 Submissions

Tier 2 Submissions

Refined Sources & New Resources

Two Main Sources:
1) Riley, Terence. On-site: New Architecture in Spain:Metropol Parasol . New York: The Museum of Modern Art, 2006. 
2)  Koutamanis, Alexander. CumindCAD, "Modeling irregular and complex forms."2001. Accessed 08.04.2012.

Supporting Sources:


-Rashid, Hani and Couture, Lise Anne. Asymptote: Flux. London: Phaidon Press, 2002. 
-Ishii, Kazuo. Membrane Designs and Structures in the World. Japan: Shinkenchiku-sha, 1999. 
-Herwig O. Featherweights - Light, Mobile and Floating Architecture. New York: Prestel Publishing, 2003. 
-Db, Ridhika. DesignBoom, "Zaha Hadid: Chengdu Contemporary Art Centre."2010. Accessed 11.04.2012. 
-Chiarella, Mauro. CumindCAD, "Geometry & Architecture: Nurbs, Design and Construction"2004. Accessed 11.04.2012 

Complex Geometry
-Gregory, Paola. New Scapes - Territories of Complexity, Switzerland: Birkhauser, 2003. 
-Curland, Scott. CumindCAD, "Modeling Designs with Shape Algebras and Formal Logic" 1996. Accessed 08.04.2012
- Abdelsalam, Mai. CumindCAD, "The Use of the Smart Geometry through Various Design Processes: Using the programming platform (parametric features) and generative components" 2009. Accessed 11.04.2012
-Liu, Yu-Tung. The HybGrid: From Form Generation to Form Adaptation . Taiwan: Birkhauser, 2003.
-C. Bovill. CumindCAD, "Fractal Geometry in Architecture and Design" 1996. Accessed 08.04.2012

Aspects of Design
1) Db, Ridhika. DesignBoom, "Zaha Hadid: Chengdu Contemporary Art Centre."2010. Accessed 11.04.2012.

2) Riley, Terence. "New Architecture in Spain: Metropol Parasol".New York: The Museum of Modern Art, 2006.

3) Chiarella, Mauro. CumindCAD, "Geometry & Architecture: Nurbs, Design and Construction"2004. Accessed 11.04.2012

Aspects of Complex Geometry
1)  Abdelsalam, Mai. CumindCAD, "The Use of the Smart Geometry through Various Design Processes: Using the programming platform (parametric features) and generative components" 2009. Accessed 11.04.2012

2) Liu, Yu-Tung. The HybGrid: From Form Generation to Form Adaptation . Taiwan: Birkhauser, 2003.

3)  C. Bovill. CumindCAD, "Fractal Geometry in Architecture and Design" 1996. Accessed 08.04.2012

Grasshopper File

Grasshopper Pictures


Aesthetics                   Fluid
Boundaries                  Light
Catenary                     Modulation
Complexity                  Motion
Flexibility                     System

Sunday 8 April 2012

3 Pictures of Influence

Chengdu Contemporary Art Centre
Architect: Zaha Hadid
Location: Chengdu, China

Cagliari Contemporary Art Centre
Architect: Zaha Hadid
Location: Cagliari, Italy

Bejing National Hotel
Architect: Emergent
Location: Beijing, China